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Voltage in Bhutan

Last Updated: 01 November 2021


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Power Quality in Bhutan

Bhutan, a small landlocked country located in the Eastern Himalayas, is known for its abundant natural resources and stunning landscapes. However, like many developing nations, Bhutan struggles with providing reliable electricity to its citizens. Power Outages and voltage fluctuations are frequent occurrences.

Power Sector in Bhutan

Bhutan’s electricity sector is relatively small and underdeveloped. The country has a total installed capacity of 1,615 MW, which hydropower plants primarily generate. Hydropower is the main source of electricity in Bhutan, with the country exporting most of its electricity to India.

The Bhutan Electricity Authority (BEA) is the regulatory body responsible for developing, operating, and maintaining the electricity supply network in Bhutan. The BEA is also responsible for setting tariffs and promoting the country’s use of renewable energy sources.

Despite its reliance on hydropower, Bhutan’s electricity supply network is prone to disruptions and blackouts. This is due to several factors, including weather conditions, transmission line failures, and equipment failures.

One of the main challenges facing Bhutan’s electricity supply network is the country’s rugged terrain. The country’s mountainous terrain makes constructing and maintaining transmission lines challenging. This can result in transmission line failures, which can cause blackouts and disruptions to the electricity supply network.

Another challenge facing Bhutan’s electricity supply network is the country’s heavy reliance on hydropower. Hydropower plants are highly dependent on water availability, which can be affected by weather conditions such as droughts or floods. This can lead to reduced electricity generation and, in some cases, blackouts.

In addition, Bhutan’s electricity supply network is also vulnerable to equipment failures. The lack of investment in infrastructure and maintenance has led to ageing equipment, which can lead to breakdowns and disruptions to the electricity supply.

The Bhutanese government and the BEA have recognized the need to improve the reliability of the country’s electricity supply network. To address these issues, the government has implemented several measures to improve the country’s energy infrastructure.

One of the key initiatives undertaken by the government is expanding and upgrading the transmission network. This includes constructing new transmission lines and upgrading existing ones to increase their capacity and reliability. The government has also invested in installing new equipment, such as transformers, to improve the reliability of the electricity supply.

In addition, the government has also taken steps to diversify the country’s energy mix. This includes the development of solar and wind energy projects to reduce the country’s reliance on hydropower.



In conclusion, Bhutan’s electricity supply network faces significant challenges when it comes to reliability. The country’s heavy reliance on hydropower and rugged terrain are just two factors contributing to disruptions and blackouts in the electricity supply. However, the government’s efforts to expand and upgrade the transmission network and diversify the country’s energy mix are steps in the right direction. With continued investment in energy infrastructure and maintenance, Bhutan’s electricity supply network can become more reliable and meet the needs of its citizens

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All mains powered equipment requires a supply which is maintained within certain limits. Too low and the equipment will malfunction, too high and the equipment could be serious damaged. In many developed and developing economies, power demand is outstripping supply, giving rise to large voltage swings, surges and brownouts in the supply.

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